Monday, 13 December 2010

Research: Album covers

Here are some examples of Natasha Bedingfield's Album covers. The original Artist of our song.


This is her first album; 'Unwritten' (2004). The album cover is very simple with just a close-up of Natasha Bedingfield. Her make-up and styling is also very simple with no bright colours. The colour scheme matches her hair and skin colour. The font is also relatively simple, again using no bright colours only black and white. The album and artists name has been placed in the middle of the cover, which immediately draws attention to it.

This is Natasha Bedingfields second album; 'N.B' (2007). Like her first album cover this again is very simple, mainly using a black and white colour scheme. The font is used as a border on the top and bottom of the album, with 'Natasha' in bold. Her name stands out immediately as it is black on a white background. The picture is of Natasha's main features, her eye, nose and mouth. Also these features are mostly in black and white as if drawn apart from her mouth and eye which are in colour.


This is the third album; 'Pocketful Of Sunshine' (2008). This album cover is very similar to her first album cover 'Unwritten', it uses the same font as the first album for her name. It also uses a simple close-up of Natasha as the picture. Again similar to the first album the colour scheme is simple, just using yellow and black. This also connects to the albums name; 'Pocketful Of Sunshine'. The album cover also has patterns on the lower left and right corners. Myself and Rhi like this idea and are thinking of including patterns added onto our album cover image. 

This is Natasha Bedingfields latest album; 'Strip Me' (2010). This album cover is completely different to her other albums. The image used is a mid shot of Natasha and is the focal point of the album cover. Natasha's make-up and styling are also different on the album cover, she has a lot more make-up on in this image rather than her natural make-up on her older album covers. She is also wearing jewellery and has a more styled costume which gives her a more glamorized look on this album cover. There are also lyrics that have been added to the image with some that have been crossed out as if she has been writing on the image. Again myself and Rhi like this idea and are thinking of using it on the back of the album. Similar to the previous album there are patterns added to the image behind Natasha and also on her face, which again we like.

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