Saturday, 11 December 2010

How our production decisions relate to intended genre

One of the key features of the pop music genre is its appeal to a general audience. Although we have identified a clear target audience of females aged 16-25, I believe that our music video would appeal to a mass market and therefore does apply to the characteristic of general appeal. Of course there will always be those that our product does not appeal to.
The common narrative of our video I.e girl falls in love with boy, along with our ideas for the editing of the narrative e.g. quick cuts and a spilt screen certainly relates to the intended genre . Despite our plan to film all of the footage outside in rural and urban locations we felt that our video was lacking performance. As performance along with choreographed dance (which would not have been suitable for our video) are key characteristics of the pop genre. We knew that we needed to incorporate more performance.With performance there is a factor of 'repeatability' and therefore we decided to make use of the green screen in the tv studio and filmed a variety of shots, which could then be placed throughout the video.
Knowing that the close up predominates in all music videos we made sure that at all times when filming that we included close-ups. Eye contact and facial gestures are crucial to the overall performance and credibility of the artist. Furthermore as a guarantee of authenticity, I (Rhianwen) sang the song instead of miming.

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