Our initial plan as previously discussed was to film in both rural and urban locations. We first encountered problems with our decision to film outside, due to the cold weather we have experienced this Winter, for example the snow and ice which caused continuity errors with footage we had already filmed in the Autumn. It also made it difficult for us to travel to our locations. The cold weather also effected our filming and on many occasions we were unable to film for long periods of time. Also due to the time of year we were limited with our filming, because of the short daylight hours. After facing these problems we decided that it would be practical to make use of the green screen in the TV studio. We filmed Rhianwen singing 'These Words' in a variety of different shots, which we could then use anywhere throughout the video.
Another problem we encountered came from our initial decision to use our own camera. We felt that using our own camera would be more practical, as it would be available for use at all times. Unfortunately however during our first filming session we discovered that our camera was not charging properly and therefore ran out of battery very quickly. The quality of the footage was also very poor. We then decided to use the college cameras, but this meant that we had to book the cameras (which were not always available), and return them after filming.
As our friend Adam (who plays the boy in the video) attends a different college to ourselves it made it difficult to manage our shooting schedule as he was not always available at suitable times. Admittedly because of this we left the filming of Adams scenes until later on , which was when we also encountered problems with the weather as it was now Winter.
During the planning of our shoot we did not anticipate that we would face as many problems as we actually encountered, leading us to believe that we would finish filming on time. Ultimately all of these set backs built up leaving us with a short amount of time to finish our filming and our entire project.
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